
+90 5392863053

Oral Cad.No:10/B

Alanya, Antalya, Turkey



Alanya cable car in action.

Visiting the Alanya Castle was possible till now by using everything with wheels or you could reach it by walk – what in 35 dagree was not an easy thing to do at all:)

After some years (2012 project decision has been taken ) finally we are able to use cable car which main station is settled just by the Touristic Center on Damlataş Beach.

Finally our team decided to try Alanya cable car:) It really worths! Even if by living here in one of the most beautyful places in the world we got used to nice views, seeing this from cable car perspective gave us really good feeling.

Not so long ago we have been informing you about that project and that have the development plan of the cable car in Alanya castle realized by Alanya Municipality got accepted by the Metropolitan Municipality Assembly of Antalya. And now we have it ready and in action:) We are really proud of it ! some days ago we had an official opening with many of guests and lots of  “old” and “new” residents of Alanya.

Just will remind  what was the main reason for the project of cable car in Alanya?

  • to prevent the castle from the damage;there are totally around 30 000 cars climbing up to Alanya’s castle per year. The castle is one of the UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites and the exhaust gas and shaking resulted from the cars are the cause fort he damage of the walls of the castle. Therefore the project of Alanya municipality is an answer to the problem of damaging the castle, to protect it and at the same time to increase the visits in this site. 
  • to increase the visits in Alanya; Alanya Castle which derives from the 13th century is one of the symbols of Alanya and it is located on top of the peninsula around 250 metres over the sea level. The walls of the castle are 6.5 kilometers long and there are people living within the walls. The castle was Antalya’s 3rd most visited site last year.
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