One of the common issues regarding property purchases in Turkey is the matter of apartment size. We Europeans are accustomed to the concepts of usable area and total area of a property, whereas in Turkey this topic is slightly different. In practice, when you come across offers on the secondary market, the area usually given is the so-called net area, which includes the usable area plus balconies and partition walls. However, often in developer advertisements, gross area is stated, which includes the usable area plus balconies, partition walls, and a share in common areas such as elevators, staircases, and hallways. I know this may sound quite strange to most foreigners, but these are the norms in Turkey. The share in the land is also calculated based on this, and in the case of revitalization, this is a very important factor—but more on that another time. In short, to avoid unwanted surprises when buying an apartment in Alanya, remember to ask the developer or agent to attach a floor plan of the apartment or house being sold, with the so-called NET ALANI dimensions marked. If you are buying from the secondary market, definitely do not rely on the owner’s declaration; instead, either you or your agent should roll up their sleeves and measure the area.
On our website,, you will find clear information that the data on developer offers is prepared by us based on the developer’s declaration, and they are responsible for the accuracy of this data. In the case of those secondary market offers to which we have direct access, we measure the area ourselves. On our site, you will also find offers from agents we cooperate with, who provide us with property data. Either way, if you are interested in buying an apartment or house in Turkey, let us know, we will measure what is needed and confirm it. Unfortunately, a significant number of agents approach the matter of dimensions rather loosely, and in my opinion, most of them estimate based on appearance or, worse, according to the seller’s declaration, who traditionally overestimates the given area.
In summary: whatever you are buying, whether it’s a sea-view apartment in Alanya or a villa with a pool, remember to include information about the net area in the contract, and ideally, attach the floor plan.