Photos of the property contained in the advert show examples of an apartment in the building/show room or 3D project. Flats on demanded floors and window orientation relatively to the world sites may differ from one in the advertisement; furniture and equipment also can be different than shown in the picture. So please ask an agent to provide you updated price list of whole project as well as information and photos of the apartment on exact floor and exact facing direction.
The amount of maintenance fee is an estimated value, depends on developer or residential community’s estimates and the agency does not bear responsibility for its changes.
All information related to this property is based on developer declarations.
For more information please check our guide for buyers
Property Details
- Floors (Total)6
- Rooms5
- Bathrooms2
- Toilets2
- Balconies2
- Kitchen typeSeparate
- Facing directionsEast, North, South, West
- ViewMountain, Nature
- GardenCommon
- FurnishingPartly Furnished
- Flooring typeCeramic Tiles
- Heating typeAirco
- Parkingoff-street
- Property conditionMove-in Ready
- Property standardVery Good
- Style of propertyResidential Complex
- Distance to the beach Not more than 4000 meters
- Commissionincluded
- Occupancy certificate ready, included
Property Features
- 24/7 Security
- Doorman
- Intercome
- Security Cameras
- Basketball Court
- Billiards
- Games Zone
- Gym
- Kids Playground
- Lobby
- Mini Club
- Pergola
- Pool Bar
- Salt Room
- Sauna
- Steam Room
- Table Tennis
- Tennis Court
- TV Room
- Volleyball Court
- Shower
- Granite/Marble Worktop
- MDF Board
- Airconditioning
- Aluminium Windows
- Cartoon Pierre Ceiling
- Indirect LED Lighting
- Power Generator
- Lift
- Swimming Pool
- Winter Pool