
+90 5392863053

Oral Cad.No:10/B

Alanya, Antalya, Turkey



A few remarks on ikamet

The subject of sitting permit in Turkey is a very important issue for every foreigner who comes here and plans to stay here longer than allowed 90 days within the period of 180 days on the basis of standard touristic visa. As most of you who are interested in the subject know, the formalities connected […]

Obligatory Health Insurance for Residence Permit (Ikamet)

The provision of private health insurance is now a mandatory requirement, as part of the new regulations that came into effect in April of this year for foreigners applying for a residence permit in Turkey.Elvan Atalay, Güneş Sigorta Health Insurance Group’s Manager, is answering for questions regarding the scope of the requirements and the issues […]