
+90 5392863053

Oral Cad.No:10/B

Alanya, Antalya, Turkey



Our agents

  • Anna Gök

    Manager, Co-Owner

    Real estate broker since 2005. First steps in this branch done at Exclusive Estate in Cracov, which built my base at that work. Than at 2008 started to explore Alanya market, and in the result together with Şükrü Gök we decided not only to join lives but also our real estate experience so we created Sunlight Estate. Since that time, by learning every day, we do our best to develop our borkerage service in Alanya.

  • Sükrü Gök


    I was born in 1969 in Kırıkhan/province of Hatay, in south of Turkey. Worked hard since early age, and after gaining years of experince in turism in 2005 I decided to develop myself and started to work in real estate market. Since that time I am who I am :) and do my best to keep our standards high. I speak turkish, english, finish and german.

  • Szymon Masłowski

    IT Administrator

    I was born in 1995 in Pabianice - city in the center of Poland. Graduated from Lodz Univesity of Technology with Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology: Internet Technologies, Master Degree planned for 2021 :) I started my journey with IT 5 years ago, from internships in 2015 - 2016 by 3'rd line Technical Engineer Expert in world-wide corpration in 2017 to IT Infrastructure Engineer in international company in 2020.