For the last few days the most frequent subject which appears in foreigners’ conversations is the new regulation of Turkish law that has been published in the Journal of Laws on 13th October 2015. The new law provides extension of time within which cars from abroad belonging to foreign citizens can stay in the Republic of Turkey. Since November previous year a lot of discussions have taken place and they finally became successful.
What are we exactly talking about? Namely the situation that if you are planning to stay temporarily in Turkey and you are planning to bring your car here, the new regulations will allow you to have it with you up to 2 years (until now it was 6 months). Recently everyone who exceeded the allowed date of staying the car in the territiry of Turkey, was obliged to pay fine in the amount about 360 Tl, and it is obvious that after changing the law it will be much easier for foreigners. However, there is always some “but”… unfortunately, after staying in Turkey for 2 years (the sum of days accounts), the owner of the car will have to leave this country for 6 months.
In short, introducing these new tregulations is like a “one-time gift” which comes down to possibility of using your foreign car in Turkey for 2 years, but actually nobody living in Turkey permanently will not leave this country for 6 months, just for the fact of having one’s car from abroad, even if it is obviously better or cheaper. Well, maybe we should be happy even about that…