Let’s look at procedures which You have to go through, when you want to buy an apartment in Alanya.
- First of all, you are choosing properties from our website, which you want to see, and planning a suitable date for a visit in Alanya.
- You are booking few days /minimum 3-4/ stay in Alanya during which you will be able to see your chosen offers and make sure, that your decision is correct and final. You can stay in a hotel, picked by you, or one of our rental apartment*
- Now time for booking the flight and gathering necessary documents which you need to buy a property – means passport, some official document which proves your address abroad (i.e electricity or water bill with your name on it and 2 photos.
- Visiting chosen properties.
- Decision. Remember we will show you “pluses” and “minuses”, as well as provide you with all necessary info on transaction’s costs. So you will know exactly what to expect.
- After approximately 5 days you get your title of deed (Tapu) and you can easily invite family and friends to your new home by the warm sea 🙂
- Now time to arrange furniture and decorations to your new holiday home.
You can count on us, we will assist you on each and every step of that process, with our experience.
*rental fee will be discussed individually.