The Agency on the provisions of this contract obliges especially to:
- provide home staging service ( if needed) to improve the property’s aesthetics and increase potential value (if cleaning or any extra service is ordered, the cost shall be covered on the base of invoices/bills by the Seller);
- create detailed advertisement which includes photos &video and an apartment plan with exact address of the property and add it to the home`s listing on
- sending the advertisement link to the Seller, for approval
- advertising the property as a featured one at the exposition site and featured boxes on the website;
- investing its own means in additional form of advertising (i.e: online sponsored advertisement (i.e facebook, Instagram, vkontakt and real estate portals or mass media)
- organizing “open doors”
- allowing visits on the property both for the potential purchasers and cooperating real estate agencies; if necessary, also out of the office working hours.
- sending an advertisement link to all cooperating real estate agencies in the Alanya area (over 250 real estate agencies!)
- informing cooperating agents about any changes related to the advertisement
- place a sales board outside of the property or, if it shall be forbidden by the housing association, on the internal side of property’s window;(unless Seller agrees differently)
- take the full responsibility for the property and its belongings during viewing the property with potential customers or cooperating agents